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Case Study - 2022

Working with a team of over 50 stakeholders and partners on a cross-collaborative sales solution created a very large challenge. Strict deadlines and stakeholder concerns were addressed as a team, to create a user-validated, functional replacement to the Specialty Point of Sale system to be implemented in the stores within the stated timeline. The potential value of this project drives a drastic reduction in associate effort and interaction time for customers during checkout on a product that combines eight systems, ten payment options, and accounts for over $35m in store and remote sales, annually.

Collaborative Partners:

Tristan Bernardo, Staff UX Designer

Alice Werley, Sr. UX Designer - Devices

Clayton Harrison, Sr. UX Designer – Customer Orders

POS Retirement: Text


The company observed that an aging point of sale (POS) system was about to become non-compliant, potentially causing security concerns, and inhibiting future sales growth in the area. How might we replace the existing POS system to create a more engaging and seamless customer experience, while maintaining a tight production deadline?

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With little prior knowledge of the product area, I facilitated the team in sharing product knowledge and building the initial scope of necessary changes through multiple collaborative sessions, including ideation and synthesis. I was able to gather metrics and use cases from the individual teams and stakeholders and documented them through a shared database. As multiple UX partners were onboarded, we analyzed the multiple system needs with our development partners, as well as began building a list of proposed updates and upgrades that could be implemented during development, including increased metrics-gathering capabilities. We were able to conduct three rounds of user testing of various fidelity, with over 30 users across the US and Canada. With strong results returned from each round of testing, we felt comfortable presenting the findings and designs to our stakeholders for buy in. With this alignment, we worked diligently with our product managers and development leads to create actionable stories and build a viable plan to retire the affected system.

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Store Checkout Associates
Pro Desk Associates
Pro Support Associates (Remote Sales)
In-Store Designers (Kitchen, Flooring)

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POS Retirement: Image
POS Retirement: Work


  • Increased visibility, transparency, and evangelization of user experience process on a large-scale product, in an early-stage area with multiple stakeholders

  • Increased scope of responsibilities in decision-making, strategy, and team facilitation

  • Allowed for experimentation with a non-linear system diagram concept, conceived by a peer

  • Completion of the design process with nearly all remote interactions and tools

  • Conducted 12 in-store interview sessions while maintaining associate comfort and health restrictions

  • Focus on text-to-confirm transaction types with remote runners for customers

  • Potential Outcomes

    • Increasing product security and PCI compliance

    • Modular capability upgrades that will reduce future development time

    • Reducing non-register transaction times across multiple payment methods by approximately 27%

  • Multi-channel solutioning through many stakeholders requires additional early alignment activities and (over)communication

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  • Strategy

    • Research Planning

    • Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Creation

  • Research

    • Stakeholder Mapping

    • Stakeholder Interviews

    • User Interviews

    • Task Mapping

    • Journey mapping

    • Service Blueprint

    • Product Function Mapping

    • Metrics Discovery and Analysis

  • UI Design

    • Low-Fidelity Mockups with stakeholders/partners

    • High-Fidelity Mockups with UX team

    • Usability Prototypes

  • Usability

    • Usability Testing

    • Stakeholder Presentation of results

  • Collaboration

    • Roadmap Creation

    • Presentation Design

    • User Story Creation

POS Retirement: Text
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